A Brazilian brother gives 5 tips.
Category: Outlines
Sermon and Bible class outlines, ideas, illustrations, and directions, as well as communion meditations and material for one-on-one studies.
How can the gospel grow here?
A five-point outline based on Acts 13.
Am I my brother’s keeper?
A topical outline on brotherly love.
Purpose and choice: fruit
God wants to produce fruit in us and through us.
The Kingdom of God ─ his people
From the series, “Know God.”
The Bible as authority and power (NT)
Second part of the first study in the “Know God” series.
The Bible is authority and power (OT)
These five Bible texts make a great start.
The Christian’s bread and butter
Put God squarely in the center of all teaching.
What the torn veil meant
Three truths emerge from this divine fact.
Eternal life
8 points each under two headings: According to the purpose of God, and only through Jesus Christ.