“Toils of the road will then seem as nothing” (W.B. Stevens).
Tag: revelation
Finding hidden manna
Old Testament background and a pattern of promise and fulfillment unlock a cryptic phrase in Revelation.
Letting God speak to me
Listening to his Word is essential.
What is light?
A short dictionary entry.
More literary keys for interpreting Revelation (Pt. 2)
What would happen if we would allow Revelation’s literary genre as well as both the immediate and greater contexts of its texts to guide our understanding of John’s Revelation? What would we learn? Picking up …
Interpreting Revelation: some keys for building a framework (1)
John’s Revelation has spawned a plethora of understandings.
‘The word came to me’
A divine event happened to one man in the midst of many.
The only one worthy
John saw Jesus as a lamb that had been given as a sacrifice.