This is another lesson in the series of Bible studies, "Know God." It is translated from our Brazilian series. For earlier posts with these lessons, see the tag kgseries. Also, see the first lesson for details on how the series is conducted.
Lesson 2. The kingdom of God
The kingdom of God is expressed today in his people on earth, the church of Jesus.
Exodus 19.3-6 — ISRAEL
Israel was a special people because of their obedience. All the land belongs to God, under his dominion, but his people demonstrate his kingship in concrete terms.
Matthew 3.1-2; 4.17 — NEAR
John and Jesus preached the proximity of a new aspect of the kingdom – the church. A new phase of the kingdom would arrive.
Matthew 6.33-34 — FIRST
God’s dominion in life must be the top priority. A search means that we have to make the effort to put it into practice.
Matthew 7.21-23 — OBEDIENCE
To enter the kingdom, we must do God’s will. Mere words and good works are not enough. The key is obedience.
Matthew 16.13-19 — CHURCH
Jesus links the kingdom and the church as being the same reality. The keys of the kingdom allow entry into the church, as we will see in Acts two.
John 18.36-37 — SPIRITUAL
The kingdom of Christ is spiritual, not of this world. It is God in the heart, and our hope in the eternal home.
The keys to the kingdom are the conditions of entry into the church. The spiritual brothers and sisters dedicate themselves to fellowship in the church through their frequent meetings.
Colossians 1.12-14 — TRANSPORTED
People saved in the church are part of the kingdom. The expectation of a millennial kingdom on earth is misguided.
Hebrews 10.23-25 — MEET
Outside of Christ’s people, there is no life. The Christian faithfully participates in their meetings.
Revelation 1.4-6 — CHURCH
The church today expresses the kingdom of God on earth, and the disciples are priests for the purpose of offering spiritual sacrifices.
- Understand that the church is the current expression of the kingdom of God in earth;
- Attend all the meetings of the congregation.
- Where does victory come from? - 2025-02-04
- The work of faith - 2025-01-27
- Speak these things - 2025-01-21