The editor talks site changes, the will of God, provides a lesson outline, and more.
Author: J. Randal Matheny
Randal and his wife Vicki have lived and worked in Brazil since 1984. He is one of God's little ones. He seeks to speak the truth simply and lovingly. Comments at this link.
What the torn veil meant
Three truths emerge from this divine fact.
A better reading experience for you
It’s all here, but rearranged a bit.
Jesus’ beautiful invitation in context
What do these words of Christ, in the context of Matthew’s gospel, have to say to us?
Uncertain Plans
Into hands that hold the universe / We cast our lives and trust our souls.
Ask away (3)
The third part of a question and answer session about the faith.
Explain it to an ET
We’re quickly being surrounded by a multitude of ETs.
Jesus and you
Short outline based on Matthew 8.1-4 shows Jesus interest in the individual.
For Me
It’s a prayer! It’s a poem! It’s possibly lyrics!
Over us, in us, through us
Inside your word our tongues are loosened.