Family Bible Readings: Psalm 139.13-16.
Author: J. Randal Matheny
Randal and his wife Vicki have lived and worked in Brazil since 1984. He is one of God's little ones. He seeks to speak the truth simply and lovingly. Comments at this link.
Pay attention to detail
The serious student of the Word of God can never deal loosely with the text.
Here’s the deal
Zechariah 1.3: God declares a timeless principle.
Prayer: Think on the good
A short prayer about thinking and doing good, with an accompanying Bible verse.
More restoration needed
The editor offers four areas where restoration is still needed.
Is 2023 the only Year of the Mission?
God sends, Jesus calls, here’s how to respond.
3 important principles for starting again
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Forthright going forward
Something’s happening here.
The goal remains clearly in view.
Time to rethink
A prayer of thanksgiving for upsets in life.