Missionary retreat rebuilds event

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Photo: Brian Hall

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HAMILTON, AL — Some 60 people interested in missions met at the Maywood Christian Camp May 4-6 for the 17th annual Missionary Retreat.

The event did not stop during the lockdown, but was much more low-key, held in different locations. This year it returned to the Maywood camp.

The theme of this year’s event was "Moving Forward."

Speeches were given by Wayne Barrier, Brian Hall, Colin McKee, Alex Bayes, Joey Barrier, Steve Doty, and Gordon Hogan.

Numerous field reports were shared by people in Guyana, Brazil, India, and several other countries in Africa and Asia.

The event is sponsored by the World Evangelism ministry, Double Springs congregation, and Heritage University’s missions center.

Maywood camp offers their facilities at no cost. The price of the event is only $10 per person per night.

Wayne and Janet Barrier organized the event, with help from many of the World Evangelism group.

Plan to participate next year during the first part of May. All missionaries and friends interested in the future of mission work are invited.

Photo: Brian Hall


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