The leaders of Jeremiah’s day were scattering God’s flock.
Lessons From the Rich and Poor Brother
Wealth doesn’t stop one from needing God.
1 Timothy 2:12 & authenteō
Different translations communicate different ideas in 1 Timothy 2:12
God’s people spiritually blind and deaf
Shouldn’t they know better?
The one-minute Christian
The image was a proposed cover for the book that never was.
The beatitude of dwelling, strength and trust
A beatitude mindset was a hit song before it was a bedrock sermon.
Sin ruins lives
See what sin does to people.
Have joy in trials
We can come out even stronger and happier.
BDAG Greek Lexicon: Valuable Insights & Faulty Conclusions
Careless use of a Greek lexicon can promote misunderstandings.
Teaching the next generation
Ever heard a song leader preach? You will when you read these stanzas.