The tragedy of anosognosia
Author: Barry Newton
Barry has worked with congregations in Texas, California and Brazil. He and his wife Sofia have two sons. He believes we should love God above all and that to honor this principle will shape daily decisions and silence competing values. Furthermore, we ought to love people in those ways we would like to be treated.
An undesirable result
Seeds don’t always produce the desired fruit
God’s lifesaving surgery
Some seem to be unaware God performs a surgery on us.
Forgiving ourselves
We forgive not just others, but also ourselves
Does God care and feel our pain?
Does God suffer with us? Might there be a better question?
Standing in the empty space
God continues to seek people who will serve
Second birth living
Freed from pinball living, 1 Peter outlines living with the new trajectory Jesus empowers.
Where’s the treasure?
For Jesus there is no grey middle ground. It is either light or darkness.
Cookies – revealer of hearts
Have you ever been a cookie ghoul? I have, but not by choice. I was appointed the steward of the dessert table at a youth event. The responsibility came with a clear mandate: One cookie …
Rocks & Our Lives As Ponds
We can create chaos in our lives. There is one who can restore peace.