Two questions strip away practical façades revealing whether our motivation is worthy.
Author: Barry Newton
The grace Paul never knew
Our assumptions about grace shape our understanding of scripture and Christian practice.
Suffering – Assayer of Men and God
Suffering reveals our piety’s character to the spiritual world while instigating human grapplings about God. Suffering can lead to knowing how to live life.
Finding hidden manna
Old Testament background and a pattern of promise and fulfillment unlock a cryptic phrase in Revelation.
Grappling with the shadows of suffering
Suffering creates a mortar where experiences might grind against convictions. Will we still praise God?
Give us our daily bread
We can pray the sentiment of Jesus’ instruction without using his exact wording
Moving Beyond “Why Me?”
We may never know why, but we can know what
This battle belongs to the Lord!
The wake of sin is horrific. Christ’s blood is victorious.
Paths through suffering
Which path we travel through suffering is our choice.
Thanksgiving amidst suffering
Suffering does not alter what is true about Christ