We have the loving and powerful God to thank.
Author: J. Randal Matheny
Randal and his wife Vicki have lived and worked in Brazil since 1984. He is one of God's little ones. He seeks to speak the truth simply and lovingly. Comments at this link.
Decisions of realty
It all starts with a decision about God or not God.
What is light?
A short dictionary entry.
The Bible as authority and power (NT)
Second part of the first study in the “Know God” series.
What is the Old Testament?
A brief introduction to the first major division of the Bible.
My Idols Betrayed Me
A short poem on the place of idols.
The Bible is authority and power (OT)
These five Bible texts make a great start.
20 years of column is no small feat
A bunch of motleys and uncounted blessings.
Take Time to Be
To the tune of ‘Take Time to Be Holy.’
The struggle against evil is constant: Prayer
A prayer for Sunday and for every day.