
Eternal life

By Doyle D. Gilliam, Topical Index of the Bible (Singapore: World Literature Publications, 1978): 43-44. The following outline was reproduced from a PDF version of the author’s book. Bible citations have been adapted to Forthright style.

I. Eternal life according to the purpose of God:

  1. It is a promise of God, Tt 1.2; 1Jn 2.25.
  2. It is a gift of God, Rm 6.23; 1Jn 5.11.
  3. He who hates his life in this world shall keep it unto eternal life, Jn 12.25.
  4. He who is steadfast in good works shall receive eternal life, Rm 2.6-7.
  5. The end result of holiness is eternal life, Rm 6.22.
  6. One who hates his brother has no eternal life, 1Jn 3.15.
  7. Christians should take hold of eternal life, 1Tm 6.12.
  8. Some count themselves unworthy of eternal life, Ac 14.36.

II. Eternal life is only through Jesus Christ:

  1. He gives the water of eternal life, Jn 4.14.
  2. He is the food of eternal life, Jn 6.27, 54.
  3. His words are of eternal life, Jn 6.68.
  4. He gives eternal life, Jn 17.2-3.
  5. He is life eternal, 1Jn 5.20.
  6. Eternal life is given to those who trust in Jesus, Jn 3.16; 5.24.
  7. Those who obey him have eternal life, Hb 5.9.
  8. Those who consistently hear the words of Christ and follow him have eternal life, Jn 10.27-28.


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