Dad wanted to anchor his life upon God and Christ.
Is 2023 the only Year of the Mission?
God sends, Jesus calls, here’s how to respond.
Who’s telling the truth?
QUESTION: “It’s confusing. Who’s telling the truth?” ANSWER: Exactly what the Devil does – “gaslighting” so people are without a solid grasp of complete truth. Since “the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32), we …
The loving thing to do
The sorrow produced when someone points out our wrong can be good or bad.
Revealing Ourselves
A life lesson from Titus 1.15.
3 important principles for starting again
These principles put into practice what Jesus did.
Love your enemies
Jesus’ cure for hating others is two-fold.
Principles of restoration
Two principles are at the core of restoration.
A heartbroken mother did what she could
She went to the source of her promise years ago.
Good examples of Christ living in us
Shine the light of your eternal love in our hearts today.