Jon Gary Williams provides an update on his online work.
Category: TFR Blog
The Fellowship Room is a group blog open to submissions.
The faith of Science
Acceptance of evolution as the explanation for the existence of all things was a choice based upon their desires.
Jesus and you
Short outline based on Matthew 8.1-4 shows Jesus interest in the individual.
Lessons from Manoah and Samson
Doug K. draws three lessons from the time of Manoah.
Prayer: Awaken the church
Word of the Day, by David Binkley, Sr., a devotional with Bible text and prayer.
I will sing
A short meditation on Psalm 104.33-34.
Untangle our hearts
Word of the Day: David Binkley shares a Bible text and prayer.
Impossible for mere humans
We must surrender our ideas about how God saves.
Are there different faiths in Christ?
After Jesus went back into Heaven, the Holy Spirit-inspired Apostles only taught one faith.
Here’s the deal
Zechariah 1.3: God declares a timeless principle.