From the parable of the two sons.
Category: TFR Blog
The Fellowship Room is a group blog open to submissions.
Our God
Four quatrains on our favorite subject.
Razor thin the narrow path
The writer is “ever conscious of what I read or watch.”
A Merest Click
A short poem-prayer about time and eternity.
Marriage, divorce and remarriage: Hugh’s News & Views
The Bible is clear that sin requires repentance and restitution.
The ‘Ber months: Hugh’s News & Views
Hugh shares a poem by Alabaman Dean Kelly.
Is Wile E. Coyote pursuing you?
Adopt a Road Runner perspective.
10 short imperatives from the Gospels
Any lessons from this A.I. bot list?
Precious gift of life: David Binkley
Binkley’s Word of the Day: Lk 17.10.
The Light We Shine
The light we shine is not a blinding glare, …