Satan is taking the focus away from the congregation of the disciples.
Category: Forthright Magazine
Here’s where it all began, back in 1996 or 97. Forthright goes straight to the Cross of Christ and from there to the world.
Fulfilling a promise to God
Take your cares and concerns to God.
Clarifying Conversion Confusion
Whenever conversion narratives exceed a brief statement, Luke never limits describing the conversion to a simple statement about believing.
God is always the same, in this way, too
Learn what it means for Jesus to be our propitiation.
God works for his people’s good
God uses the strong man of the Bible, despite himself.
The Holy Spirit and the New Testament
His main function: revealing the will of God.
The other “I AM” statements in John
John’s usages of “I AM” both inform and invite pondering
Decisions of realty
It all starts with a decision about God or not God.
An uncounted blessing
Here’s one often uncounted blessing.
God’s kind of leader
Do we step forward when leadership is needed?