The editor editorializes, comes down on the side of truth.
Category: Forthright Magazine
Here’s where it all began, back in 1996 or 97. Forthright goes straight to the Cross of Christ and from there to the world.
Seven Sayings of Jesus (1)
Jesus’ prayer of mercy is not only for those who were unwitting participants in the hour of his death, but an intercession from our High Priest on behalf of all humanity
The vulture hovering over Peter
Jesus’ prediction of Peter’s martyrdom hovers like a vulture in their post-resurrection interaction.
How the mighty have fallen
How do we feel when someone who has treated us wrongly is defeated?
The baptism of the Holy Spirit
People are not saved through the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Isaiah’s new heaven and earth (part 2 – Context and Genre)
Written in hebraic poetry, Isaiah 40-66 addresses exilic and post-exilic Israel.
Are we pursuing the wrong enemy?
Saul wasted time trying to catch someone he regarded as his enemy.
Christ and the Holy Spirit
The Spirit played an active role in the life of the incarnate Son of God.
Jesus’ peace
Remember who we are because of Jesus.
Isaiah’s new heaven and earth (part 1 – interpretation principles)
Understanding Isaiah’s message requires exegetical tools and listening to him.