TFR Blog

Practicing Proverbs, chapter 17

A sizable group of friends, Christian and not, is reading Proverbs this month, one chapter per day (31 chapters for 31 days in July). Here are seven points from chapter 17. I started this little exercise years ago, but got sidetracked before it was finished.

  1. The heart requires refining and purifying. The only person right for the job is he who knows what each heart contains. Open your heart to God and let him do his work, 3.
  2. Every single soul is precious in God’s sight, no matter his class, origem, sex, or race. Prejudice and feelings of superiority have no place among God’s people, 5.
  3. Some people think money can solve everything and make all problems go away, 8.
  4. A good relationship means not dwelling on wrongs and faults. Love grows where forgiveness prevails, 9.
  5. Some people just refuse to be taught. Don’t waste your time and money on them. (Jesus talked about throwing pearls to the pigs, remember?) Find those who want to understand and practice, 16.
  6. The mind exerts powerful influence over the body. A good attitude is the best medicine. Find your reasons to be cheerful and flee what will crush your spirit, 22.
  7. Focusing on the best things, like wisdom, will do you so much better than eyes that flit from one thing to another, 24.

What points might you add to this list?


J. Randal Matheny
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