Things not in the Bible: Fulford

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BY HUGH FULFORD ─ This is Hugh’s Views and News from June 25.

  • That the forbidden fruit that Eve ate was an apple
  • A Pope
  • The sinner’s prayer
  • The title “Reverend” applied to any preacher
  • The date of Jesus’ birth.
  • The notion that there were three wise men who visited Christ soon after His birth (Note: Wise men visited, but the number is not given).
  • The doctrine of salvation by faith only
  • Many churches of all kinds of denominations: Catholic, Lutheran, Episcopal, Baptist, Methodists, Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, nor any other denomination or sect, Catholic or Protestant
  • Instrumental music in the worship of the first century church
  • The idea that if a person has a good heart he/she will be saved
  • The notion that there are many ways to God
  • The belief that one can earn his eternal salvation by good works
  • The Rapture
  • Various acceptable reasons for divorce and remarriage
  • Baptizing babies
  • Sprinkling, pouring, or christening as baptism
  • The date of Christ’s second coming
  • The notion that one can be spiritual without having to attend church and engage in formal or prescribed religious activities
  • Purgatory
  • Religious officials known as Archbishops
  • Religious officials known as Cardinals
  • One pastor leading a congregation
  • Once saved, always saved
  • Praying to or through Mary the mother of Jesus
  • Women serving as ministers or elders of local churches
  • The idea that one can do nothing to be saved

In Acts 17:11 it is said of the people of Berea (northern Greece): “These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so” (Acts 17:11). The Bereans were checking up on the preaching of Paul and Silas.

Does there not need to be some searching of the Scriptures today to see if what one has “always heard” or “always thought” or “always believed” or what the televangelists are saying is actually in the Bible? Truth has no fear of being investigated; in fact, it welcomes such.

Only truth, not error, can make us free (John 8:32).


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