How can we be holy today?

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The question “How can we be holy today?” came from the Brazilian ladies’ group, “Reading Together.” During the month of January, the participants are reading together the books of Leviticus and Luke. The group coordinator, Vicki Matheny, responded (outside the group) as follows:

“The book helps us understand the priestly system that was the shadow of today. In Leviticus, only the tribe of Levi could be priests. God was teaching the people how to worship him. Today it is different because of Christ. All who obey the commandments are priests, 1 Peter 2.9.

“Living a life that pleases God is how we live in holiness, 1 Peter 1.13-25. The meaning of the word ‘holiness’ is ‘separated.’ We are to live a life separated from the world. We live within the world, but we do not live like the world. This is why reading the Bible is so important. In it I find what God wants of me.”

Almost 50 women, disciples and not, participate in the group. The group was created June 2024. A Bible reading guide is published at the beginning of each month. Each day, participants who read the passages of the day share their progress. This serves to encourage everyone to continue the reading schedule.


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