Here’s one often uncounted blessing.
Author: Forthright Staff
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House to House defines 2024 topics
HTH wants to help you reach your community.
Preacher Oran Burt and wife Carolyn retire after 50 years
Oran sent out this information on Sunday.
Sanctification as self-denial
We declare to ourselves, “I will not let this man (self) reign over me!”
‘Make Disciples’ program begins in Mexico
MDTP recently began its first program in Spanish.
Do not marry a question mark
It seems like there are always complicating and extenuating circumstances.
Polishing the Pulpit event expands to Branson MO
PTP will host two events in 2024.
Marriage, divorce and remarriage: Hugh’s News & Views
The Bible is clear that sin requires repentance and restitution.
The ‘Ber months: Hugh’s News & Views
Hugh shares a poem by Alabaman Dean Kelly.
Precious gift of life: David Binkley
Binkley’s Word of the Day: Lk 17.10.