Here are two scenarios where belief finds certainty.
Author: Forthright Staff
This account is used by the Forthright staff for articles by third parties or when the author name is irrelevant to the article or story.
A new king who knew not Joseph
Joseph’s story contains a powerful and needed lesson for God’s people today.
The Holy Scripture: a beautiful summary
An old quasi-poetic text reminds us of all the Bible can be to us.
On new year resolutions
Ron B. adds the basic resolution.
Getwell congregation closes, ministries move
The congregation began in 1950.
An uncounted blessing
Here’s one often uncounted blessing.
House to House defines 2024 topics
HTH wants to help you reach your community.
Preacher Oran Burt and wife Carolyn retire after 50 years
Oran sent out this information on Sunday.
Sanctification as self-denial
We declare to ourselves, “I will not let this man (self) reign over me!”
‘Make Disciples’ program begins in Mexico
MDTP recently began its first program in Spanish.