Here’s a wonderful thing about God.
Author: Jon Galloway
Jon serves the East Kilbride congregation in Glasgow, Scotland, as an elder and teacher. He is on the leadership team of the British Bible School.
Beautiful feet
Their beauty is in what they are doing.
The folly of idolatry
This warning applies today as well.
God is there for us
God can revitalise us when we are flagging.
Is our heart far from God?
Here’s the solution!
The joy of being a child of God
Being saved is joyful.
The dawning of true peace
When we have peace with God, peace with other people is possible.
‘He held fast to God’
King Hezekiah was one of the few who did this.
It will be all right
An unexpected blessing is lost.
What does God’s word say?
What if God’s word goes against what we want to do?