Let’s start from where we are.
Author: Jon Galloway
Jon serves the East Kilbride congregation in Glasgow, Scotland, as an elder and teacher. He is on the leadership team of the British Bible School.
Will you not tell it today?
Peter’s message is the same one we need to tell today.
Doing good for the right reasons
Two obvious reasons for this event.
Events around Jesus’ death
Details leading up to Jesus’ execution are instructive.
To be truly great
Follow Jesus’ example: Serve others.
Trusting Jesus to help
Jesus gives us two promises.
Scattering the seed of God’s word
… wherever and whenever we can to everyone who will hear it.
God is the potter, we are the clay
Here’s a wonderful thing about God.
Beautiful feet
Their beauty is in what they are doing.
The folly of idolatry
This warning applies today as well.