His main function: revealing the will of God.
Author: Gary C. Hampton
Gary works with the Siwell Road church in Jackson, MS. He served as the Director of the Southeast Institute of Biblical Studies for six years. Gary has 19 books in print and writes for The Spiritual Sword and The Voice of Truth International.
The Holy Spirit and the prophets
The Spirit was active in the Old Testament.
The Holy Spirit is a divine person
The Holy Spirit is one of three people who comprise God.
God provides for a deliverer
The Almighty uses people who do not recognize him as existing to achieve his purposes.
Have you seen the light?
In the spiritual realm, light comes from God’s word.
Faithfulness, gentleness and self-control
Three more essential qualities of the fruit of the Spirit.
Peace, longsuffering, kindness and goodness
Each of these parts of the fruit of the Spirit makes the church a special place.
You can have joy
Jesus ties loving obedience to joyfulness.
To be like God, love
Love should naturally grow out of a proper relationship with God.
Restoring a proper view of the Bible
What will God lovers who have restored a right view of the Bible?