A true disciple participates in it fully.
Author: Gary C. Hampton
Gary works with the Siwell Road church in Jackson, MS. He served as the Director of the Southeast Institute of Biblical Studies for six years. Gary has 19 books in print and writes for The Spiritual Sword and The Voice of Truth International.
I must be a servant
Opportunities to serve will come in many forms.
Letting God speak to me
Listening to his Word is essential.
Choose life
Those who turn to God today will also have their hearts circumcised.
How miraculous gifts were given
Two incidents show how the gifts were given in the first century.
The apostles and the Holy Spirit
They became sufficient ministers of the gospel and men were converted.
The baptism of the Holy Spirit
People are not saved through the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Christ and the Holy Spirit
The Spirit played an active role in the life of the incarnate Son of God.
The Holy Spirit‘s use of the Word in conversion
The word is the Spirit’s tool to reach men dead in sin.
The work of the Holy Spirit in conversion
God chose preaching as the means of saving the lost.