Many called, few chosen.
Author: Gary C. Hampton
Gary works with the Siwell Road church in Jackson, MS. He served as the Director of the Southeast Institute of Biblical Studies for six years. Gary has 19 books in print and writes for The Spiritual Sword and The Voice of Truth International.
Having the Kingdom taken away
Jesus is God’s last spokesman to sinful man.
Laboring in the Kingdom
We can work for the Lord today.
Seeking the lost
Jesus associated with sinners.
The Kingdom and the Judgment
Hell is real. Jesus said so.
The value of the Kingdom
Nothing is more valuable than the salvation of the soul.
The growth of the Kingdom
Jesus’ illustrations show the church is meant to grow.
Harvesting the sons of the Kingdom
Jesus is the best interpreter of his parables.
Men’s hearts are soil for the Kingdom seed
Sow the seed without guessing what type of soil a person’s heart might be.
The bounds of a Christian‘s forgiveness
Our forgiveness should be like God’s.