Second birth living

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The pinball lifestyle is obvious. A wife hurls a stinging terse remark toward her husband’s insensitive behavior. Encountering a beautiful woman, someone begins to nurture lustful thoughts. Reeling from injustice, another vows, "I will never forgive her."

Reacting to life’s moments is easy. Fleshly desires fuel the pinball lifestyle. "I feel …." and "I want …."  invite a carnal reaction to our environment and circumstances.

God, however, provides an alternative. He empowers a lifestyle free from the pinball’s bumper control. The letter of 1 Peter emphasizes such transforming living.

The original recipients had escaped a ragged lifestyle characterized by fleshly desires. Through Christ’s blood they became purified and faithful ones in God, granted a new life as those born anew. This new life set them on a new trajectory, free from a reactionary lifestyle.

1 Peter outlines this new lifestyle’s essence. God’s people should respond to their environment based upon who they are, not how they have been treated. Blessings should be extended toward those exuding injustice, insult or hostility. Doing good should be comprehensive, not limited to those deemed worthy of receiving it. Spouses, driven by something other than God, should be treated with graciousness.

Sometimes the new lifestyle can be hard to read. Cruel masters should be respected.

1 Peter remains as relevant as ever. God offers new life in Christ. We can be set free from a reactionary pinball lifestyle. Healthy and godly ways characterize how second birth people are to live.

Like obedient children, do not comply with the evil urges you used to follow in your ignorance, but, like the Holy One who called you, become holy yourselves in all of your conduct, for it is written, “You shall be holy, because I am holy.”  1 Peter 1:14-16


Barry Newton
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