Cookies – revealer of hearts

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Have you ever been a cookie ghoul? I have, but not by choice. I was appointed the steward of the dessert table at a youth event. The responsibility came with a clear mandate: One cookie per person.

After the youth activity ended, the kids began rushing over for refreshments. Like a neurotic parrot, my repeating message began: “One cookie per person.”

Immediately, a boy who was probably in middle school snatched two cookies and was headed toward his third, before I could say, “Stop! One cookie per person.” Even after my pronouncement he reached for a third cookie. “Stop! You cannot have another one.” He finally moved on.

As I supervised this cookie table, hearts were laid bare before me. Open defiance would quickly claim two cookies in spite of the instructions. Conniving disobedience feigning compliance would either pick up a double-decker cookie as though it were one or try to get into line more than once.

I can only imagine their rationalizations.

It’s only a cookie. What’s the big deal? I’m hungry.”

“Who does he think he is?”

“Where did this cookie Nazi come from? Nobody tells me what to do.”

Yet there were also beautiful, submissive, and disciplined hearts. They were easy to spot as they passed through the line. Although every fiber in their body tore at them to claim multiple cookies, nevertheless they obeyed. Even in this small silly matter, they respected authority.

How could I not reflect upon Luke 16:10? “Whoever is faithful in very little is also faithful in much, and whoever is dishonest in very little is also dishonest in much.”

Admittedly, Jesus was addressing wealth on that occasion. Nevertheless, the principle remains valid. Small matters do provide insight into our hearts revealing the principles that will drive how we handle larger matters.

Previously, I had never thought about cookies revealing our hearts. But then, I guess all of life continually provides small windows into what lies within.


Barry Newton