Tag: 1 Timothy

Forthright Magazine

The value of a healthy conscience

Just how important is a good conscience? Some people possess a tightly wound conscience. Others exemplify a relaxed conscience. Sometimes those with a more permissive conscience may poke fun or denigrate others who are very …

Forthright Magazine

Junk food and serving Jesus

When Paul wrote his first letter to Timothy, junk food surrounded his Christian worker. The apostle knew that for Timothy to serve Jesus well his diet mattered. In many ways, our situation mirrors Timothy’s. We …

Forthright Magazine

Trustworthy – what it means for us

Our world is inundated with competing voices. From political posturing to divergent social opinions, from social media rants to conflicting economic forecasts. It can seem like we are surrounded by confusing chaos. Ever long for …

Forthright Magazine

Ideas matter

R. C. Sproul tells the story of a philosophy professor who occupied a university teaching position when the Nazis came to power. Because his ideas conflicted with Nazi ideology, this professor lost his career and …

Forthright Magazine

Personalities and scripture

Personalities differ. Some of us thrive on what’s new and exciting. We love change. Others prefer the familiar, safe and tested. Don’t change anything! Still others of us are practical. We gravitate toward whatever is most …