What the torn veil meant

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Recently, I was given the task of leading the meditation for the Lord’s Supper. The reading of Matthew 27.51-52 focused on the veil, or curtain, that was torn from top to bottom, in the middle, in front of the Most Holy Place.

This was significant to Matthew. It was also recorded by Mark and Luke.

Three truths emerge from this divine fact.

  1. The torn veil represented the abolition of the old Mosaic system.
  2. The torn veil signaled the aspersion, or sprinkling, of Christ’s blood and the sanctification of all the people.
  3. The torn veil communicated the new approach to God’s presence.

You can think of several biblical texts for each point above, many of which can be taken from Matthew’s gospel itself.

As suggested in our most recent book published in Portuguese, I focused on the crucifixion instead of the establishment of the supper.


J. Randal Matheny
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