With two or three God can do anything.
Devoted to the reading of God’s word
Christians are largely ignorant of what the Bible says.
All Scripture, remember?
All Scripture is needed to see God’s plan.
Does Ecclesiastes discourage study?
A Brazilian brother gives 5 tips.
Can we tell the true from the counterfeit?
We cannot tell what is true from what is false unless we first know what is true.We cannot tell what is true from what is false unless we first know what is true.
Did Paul agree with Luke that saving faith involves baptism?
Paul used faith/believe in the same manner as Luke
The better sacrifice calls for faithful service
Patient endurance allows one to receive the promise of eternal life.
Lack of insight (Part 2)
Spiritual lack of insight is more tragic than medical anosognosia.
Pleasing people
God examines the heart.