God will do more in us and through us than we dare dream of.
The only one worthy
John saw Jesus as a lamb that had been given as a sacrifice.
Romans 1-3: A Non-Lutheran Reading
Another reading of the text, framed by the text, exists.
The peacemaking church of God
This work is for all of us.
The ‘Ber months: Hugh’s News & Views
Hugh shares a poem by Alabaman Dean Kelly.
Jesus’ concern for his disciples
The world needs you!
Is Wile E. Coyote pursuing you?
Adopt a Road Runner perspective.
Love at the peak
Let’s put 1 Corinthians 13 at the center of the discussion.
10 short imperatives from the Gospels
Any lessons from this A.I. bot list?
Precious gift of life: David Binkley
Binkley’s Word of the Day: Lk 17.10.