Such errors ignore that conduct has consequences.
What the torn veil meant
Three truths emerge from this divine fact.
We train for that
The Bible makes us well equipped for the things we face in life.
A better reading experience for you
It’s all here, but rearranged a bit.
Evangelist’s website teems with biblical materials
Jon Gary Williams provides an update on his online work.
Choose Joy
“Against such things there is no law” (Galatians 5:22, 23).
Do we believe?
Jesus’ miraculous signs point to who he is.
The value of a healthy conscience
Just how important is a good conscience? Some people possess a tightly wound conscience. Others exemplify a relaxed conscience. Sometimes those with a more permissive conscience may poke fun or denigrate others who are very …
Love or hate?
When we are doing the best we can for others, we are seen to be like our Teacher.
Have you seen the light?
In the spiritual realm, light comes from God’s word.