Why did Paul write that he was not ashamed of the gospel?
A Merest Click
A short poem-prayer about time and eternity.
Marriage, divorce and remarriage: Hugh’s News & Views
The Bible is clear that sin requires repentance and restitution.
The unlimited church
God will do more in us and through us than we dare dream of.
The only one worthy
John saw Jesus as a lamb that had been given as a sacrifice.
Romans 1-3: A Non-Lutheran Reading
Another reading of the text, framed by the text, exists.
The peacemaking church of God
This work is for all of us.
The ‘Ber months: Hugh’s News & Views
Hugh shares a poem by Alabaman Dean Kelly.
Jesus’ concern for his disciples
The world needs you!
Is Wile E. Coyote pursuing you?
Adopt a Road Runner perspective.