Second part of the first study in the “Know God” series.
What is the Old Testament?
A brief introduction to the first major division of the Bible.
Are we special?
Science and probability point toward a Creator.
My Idols Betrayed Me
A short poem on the place of idols.
Sanctification as self-denial
We declare to ourselves, “I will not let this man (self) reign over me!”
The anthropic principle
What should be make of our earth’s and universe’s special status?
‘Make Disciples’ program begins in Mexico
MDTP recently began its first program in Spanish.
The Bible is authority and power (OT)
These five Bible texts make a great start.
20 years of column is no small feat
A bunch of motleys and uncounted blessings.
Do not marry a question mark
It seems like there are always complicating and extenuating circumstances.