Peter’s message is the same one we need to tell today.
Seeking the lost
Jesus associated with sinners.
Suffering – Assayer of Men and God
Suffering reveals our piety’s character to the spiritual world while instigating human grapplings about God. Suffering can lead to knowing how to live life.
7 practical points from Proverbs 1
Wisdom has the last laugh.
Doing good for the right reasons
Two obvious reasons for this event.
The Kingdom and the Judgment
Hell is real. Jesus said so.
Things not in the Bible: Fulford
Hugh Fulford provides a list and advice.
Finding hidden manna
Old Testament background and a pattern of promise and fulfillment unlock a cryptic phrase in Revelation.
Belonging and community
Press on to make heavenly citizenship your own.
Events around Jesus’ death
Details leading up to Jesus’ execution are instructive.