The work of the Kingdom of God is mine, too.
True greatness
What does it really take?
Christ is superior to angels
His exalted status, divine affirmation, and the superiority of his message demand a diligent response.
Cookies – revealer of hearts
Have you ever been a cookie ghoul? I have, but not by choice. I was appointed the steward of the dessert table at a youth event. The responsibility came with a clear mandate: One cookie …
Trap Crops
I lure them in and then happily dispatch them.
Jerrie Barber goes podcasting
Jerrie said, “Try to learn very little.”
Starting out small…
What was Jesus’ point in these stories?
Rocks & Our Lives As Ponds
We can create chaos in our lives. There is one who can restore peace.
What I believe
10 affirmations of my faith.
Institute urges caution with statistics
Many Chicken Littles in the church have announced the sky is falling for years.