An old quasi-poetic text reminds us of all the Bible can be to us.
Category: TFR Blog
The Fellowship Room is a group blog open to submissions.
On new year resolutions
Ron B. adds the basic resolution.
Every day is Thanksgiving
We have the loving and powerful God to thank.
What is light?
A short dictionary entry.
My Idols Betrayed Me
A short poem on the place of idols.
Sanctification as self-denial
We declare to ourselves, “I will not let this man (self) reign over me!”
Do not marry a question mark
It seems like there are always complicating and extenuating circumstances.
Take Time to Be
To the tune of ‘Take Time to Be Holy.’
I hate to tell the story?
From the parable of the two sons.
Our God
Four quatrains on our favorite subject.