The writer is “ever conscious of what I read or watch.”
Category: TFR Blog
The Fellowship Room is a group blog open to submissions.
A Merest Click
A short poem-prayer about time and eternity.
Marriage, divorce and remarriage: Hugh’s News & Views
The Bible is clear that sin requires repentance and restitution.
The ‘Ber months: Hugh’s News & Views
Hugh shares a poem by Alabaman Dean Kelly.
Is Wile E. Coyote pursuing you?
Adopt a Road Runner perspective.
10 short imperatives from the Gospels
Any lessons from this A.I. bot list?
Precious gift of life: David Binkley
Binkley’s Word of the Day: Lk 17.10.
The Light We Shine
The light we shine is not a blinding glare, …
Evangelist’s website teems with biblical materials
Jon Gary Williams provides an update on his online work.
The faith of Science
Acceptance of evolution as the explanation for the existence of all things was a choice based upon their desires.