Oversimplifying a situation promotes distorted understandings.
Category: Forthright Magazine
Here’s where it all began, back in 1996 or 97. Forthright goes straight to the Cross of Christ and from there to the world.
But, Why?
This vignette of our adolescent Savior has been the subject of much wonder, and rightly so.
Why we are a chosen people
Are Christians special or peculiar?
The faith of Abraham
Abraham’s faith challenges us to live for heaven.
The gospel of salvation
A short commentary on a key verse.
All you need is love
If we understand what love really is …
Understanding faith
The writer to early Hebrew converts helps us understand.
Genesis 15:6 and saving faith
Four truths on faith are sometimes overlooked
Small beginnings
With two or three God can do anything.
Devoted to the reading of God’s word
Christians are largely ignorant of what the Bible says.