… wherever and whenever we can to everyone who will hear it.
Category: Forthright Magazine
Here’s where it all began, back in 1996 or 97. Forthright goes straight to the Cross of Christ and from there to the world.
Men’s hearts are soil for the Kingdom seed
Sow the seed without guessing what type of soil a person’s heart might be.
Paths through suffering
Which path we travel through suffering is our choice.
Why Pentecost is important today
Seven reasons why Acts 2 stays on our radar.
God is the potter, we are the clay
Here’s a wonderful thing about God.
I came and am going back
A fine summary of the gospel of John ─ and the gospel.
Poor Management
Is my local church just a Legacy act?
Beautiful feet
Their beauty is in what they are doing.
Thanksgiving amidst suffering
Suffering does not alter what is true about Christ
Even Greater Than Jesus
Is it really possible that some have done greater things than Jesus?