Two questions strip away practical façades revealing whether our motivation is worthy.
Category: Forthright Magazine
Here’s where it all began, back in 1996 or 97. Forthright goes straight to the Cross of Christ and from there to the world.
The pain and process of shattered dreams
Do we acknowledge the journey of faith?
Taking advantage of opportunities
What to do when in another country?
Laboring in the Kingdom
We can work for the Lord today.
How to live content
It’s a secret because so few know it.
An Israelite Indeed
You don’t need an Ancestry account to be in Jesus’ family.
Preparing to go
Let’s start from where we are.
The grace Paul never knew
Our assumptions about grace shape our understanding of scripture and Christian practice.
Will you not tell it today?
Peter’s message is the same one we need to tell today.
Seeking the lost
Jesus associated with sinners.