Category: Forthright Magazine

Here’s where it all began, back in 1996 or 97. Forthright goes straight to the Cross of Christ and from there to the world.

Forthright Magazine

Christ is superior to angels

His exalted status, divine affirmation, and the superiority of his message demand a diligent response.

Forthright Magazine

Cookies – revealer of hearts

Have you ever been a cookie ghoul? I have, but not by choice. I was appointed the steward of the dessert table at a youth event. The responsibility came with a clear mandate: One cookie …

Forthright Magazine

Trap Crops

I lure them in and then happily dispatch them.

Forthright Magazine

Follow Jesus

Many like the idea of following Jesus but just not now.

Forthright Magazine

Who do you see?

Standing at the corner near a stop light, a thin sunburned man with dirty clothes holds a sign asking for help. Who do you see? When I was growing up, the prevalent consensus was: They’re …