In Acts 11.14, in Peter’s explanation of what happened in Cornelius’ house, he reports a word from the angel to Cornelius:
“He will speak words to you by which you and all your household will be saved” (EHV).
Wendell Winkler offered this multiple choice question in his book/1 on salvation:
Cornelius and his household were saved by:
_ words;
_ a direct operation of the Holy Spirit;
_ an “inner light.”
The correct answer: “words.” It was not the descent of the Holy Spirit upon them that saved them, for Peter had only just begun his teaching when this occurred. Would they have been saved without the words that generate faith?
Through Peter’s words, Cornelius and his family learned about Jesus and how to receive the salvation he brought through the Cross. And they received it because they were immersed in the name of Jesus Christ, Acts 10.47-48.
This is how people are saved today as well. Someone speaks saving words to them. People hear God’s word and decide to believe and obey: “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ” Romans 10.17 ESV.
This is why Christ’s followers are sent into the world. Because the gospel needs to be heard. Someone needs to speak to the lost. Without speaking, there is no hearing, no faith, no salvation.
1/ Things that accompany salvation (Tuscaloosa USA: Winkler Pubs., 1972): 16.
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