“And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the LORD, choose this day whom you will serve … the gods … in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD” Joshua 24:15.
The same choice is before us today. It’s time to vote! With the rise of secularism in our culture, there are many, especially among our younger generations, who have been taught that it’s evil to be a Christian—that the world’s woke or “enlightened” doctrine is of a higher morality than the “close-minded,” archaic gospel that the church teaches.
Everything today has been flipped on its head because everything’s been redefined. Love is now tolerance for many things Christians still insist is sin. What we proclaim as truth is just another opinion on the buffet of opinions.
So … since so many believe that there is no Creator who gave us His infallible Word to live by and His Son who willingly died on a cross to take away our sins (which they don’t believe exist) and was resurrected, then there’s nothing left but “the gods … in whose land you dwell.”
How dismal is that conclusion! But, hope, true hope, is found in voting each day by a faithful life in the Savior who forgives us and has overcome death.
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