My wife and I have been traveling many a mile in the USA for the last two weeks, with toes touching seven states in that time. For the next two weeks, before our return to Brazil, we’ll travel less and catch our breath. We’re spending some time with our children and their families in what they call Thanksmas. Their faith and progress are motives for thanksgiving.
¶ Since the hacking last year, we’ve not found a good option for Forthright Books. In the next few weeks we hope to have something online.
¶ Some people rename themselves. Bertha, whom we met a few days ago, didn’t like her name, so she calls herself Bella. For those who are born again, God renames sinners: they become his children, followers of the Christ, saints, Christians. God’s choice of names or descriptions are far better than any we could invent.
¶ Minimalism is not the essence of simplicity, but integrity and exclusive devotion to God are. Simplicity also applies to the rejection of human teaching and tradition to restore the pure Word and Plan of God.
¶ Jesus asks if, on his return, he will find faith(fulness) in anyone on the earth, Luke 18.8. His question is surrounded by two parables that mention prayer. Check those out. The Lord’s question is not to find information, but to provoke us to do some serious thinking about our own faith under fire.
¶ A large research project has concluded that “we would rather do almost anything than think, because it causes us to feel irritation, annoyance, frustration, and stress.” Do you find this to be the case? Perhaps this is why so few offer to God a “reasonable service” Romans 12.2.
¶ Batsell Barrett Baxter was a consummate communicator of the Good News. You will benefit from his sermon in text, “What If Christ Had Not Come?”
¶ God is always at work. He insists that we put ourselves in his hands so that he may accomplish his will through us. Let him be over us so that he may work through us, Ephesians 4.6. Then he may be truly in us.
- Everything figured out? - 2025-03-03
- What God wants - 2025-02-17
- Prayer for help - 2025-02-16