…and everyone got a living lesson about God’s grace.
Author: Rick Kelley
Christian, husband, father, proclaimer, servant. Also...feeder of pets, lover of songs, player of instruments, writer of words, questioner of the universe, and consumer of info. Laborer in the kingdom (Massillon, OH since 2014).
What you crave
Ever peek in the fridge knowing you want something, but don’t what it is?
The suffering was the Plan
Suffering was the plan; death is the path.
But, Why?
This vignette of our adolescent Savior has been the subject of much wonder, and rightly so.
Jesus Took His Own Medicine
Who told Jesus to hold His tongue while He was being falsely accused and abused, anyway?
Just a Little While
“Toils of the road will then seem as nothing” (W.B. Stevens).
That chilling scene
Love in that chilling scene.
An Israelite Indeed
You don’t need an Ancestry account to be in Jesus’ family.
Though You Are Evil
Are we really all that bad?
Poor Management
Is my local church just a Legacy act?