Elijah’s moment provides a great example.
Author: Jon Galloway
Jon serves the East Kilbride congregation in Glasgow, Scotland, as an elder and teacher. He is on the leadership team of the British Bible School.
The consequences of sin
Solomon’s sin was felt throughout the nation.
To obey or not to obey…
See the difference in obeying God or rejecting him.
The high price of sin
Sin can have a lasting impact.
Love despite rebellion
People often don’t understand the love Christians have for others.
Trying to cover-up sin
The problem when we sin is that we will eventually be found out.
How the mighty have fallen
How do we feel when someone who has treated us wrongly is defeated?
Are we pursuing the wrong enemy?
Saul wasted time trying to catch someone he regarded as his enemy.
Jesus’ peace
Remember who we are because of Jesus.
Relying on God
A friend of David’s had a faith as great as his.