The bait keeps the animal from seeing the trap or the fish the hook.
Author: Gary C. Hampton
Gary works with the Siwell Road church in Jackson, MS. He served as the Director of the Southeast Institute of Biblical Studies for six years. Gary has 19 books in print and writes for The Spiritual Sword and The Voice of Truth International.
Lessons From the Rich and Poor Brother
Wealth doesn’t stop one from needing God.
Have joy in trials
We can come out even stronger and happier.
A living faith
James deals with potential faith-draining problems.
An exhortation to faithful living: Hebrews 13
Comments the last chapter.
An Invitation to the Unshakable Kingdom
This is where Christians now live.
Thoughts on suffering from Hebrews 12
Christ is especially a good example.
Something better for us
Be at least as faithful as the ancients.
Faith gives up what the world holds tightly
Faith gives up what the world holds tightly.
The faith of Abraham
Abraham’s faith challenges us to live for heaven.