Three contexts provided terms for the same leadership role
Author: Barry Newton
Barry has worked with congregations in Texas, California and Brazil. He and his wife Sofia have two sons. He believes we should love God above all and that to honor this principle will shape daily decisions and silence competing values. Furthermore, we ought to love people in those ways we would like to be treated.
Unlikely Beloved Books
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A manifestation of grace
Holiness is a gift, not an achievement
Scripture’s cosmic language
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The problem of suffering: a third option?
Oversimplifying a situation promotes distorted understandings.
Genesis 15:6 and saving faith
Four truths on faith are sometimes overlooked
Did Paul agree with Luke that saving faith involves baptism?
Paul used faith/believe in the same manner as Luke
Lack of insight (Part 2)
Spiritual lack of insight is more tragic than medical anosognosia.
Lack of insight (Part 1)
The tragedy of anosognosia
An undesirable result
Seeds don’t always produce the desired fruit