A tear rolled down his cheek.
Author: J. Randal Matheny
Randal and his wife Vicki have lived and worked in Brazil since 1984. He is one of God's little ones. He seeks to speak the truth simply and lovingly. Comments at this link.
Why Pentecost is important today
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What is the new convert? A child of God
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I came and am going back
A fine summary of the gospel of John ─ and the gospel.
The ideal is real
The concept is being used to avoid obedience.
The words of the faith
A list, a prayer and a poem.
‘Arrange all this for us, O God!’
The majority among us say amen.
The question of the age and the question of the ages
The supreme giver is God.
Physical loss for spiritual gain
Jesus said the church is in the fight for souls.
The God who walks
Walking with God is more than a metaphor.